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Protecting Your Marriage From the Stress of Your Medical Practice

Balancing a successful medical practice and a successful marriage isn’t for the faint of heart; it’s hard work, and it can often feel like strides in one area of life come at the expense of strides in the other. If you need deeper resources to help save or strengthen your marriage, Marriage Helper CEO and keynote speaker Kimberly Holmes is here to lend a hand. Using her master’s in psychology and experience at the helm of a marriage counseling network that manages a 77% success rate, Kimberly helps medical professionals navigate impossible schedules, lack of intimacy, feelings of disrespect, and other relational roadblocks. Join us to get refreshingly practical advice that may spark hope where it’s needed most. 

In this webinar, you'll learn:

  • Why self-care is crucial in a healthy marriage (and how to practice it)
  • How to establish a deeper channel of communication with your spouse 
  • The damage that gaslighting and ‘false reconciliation’ can cause
  • How to help your children’s relationship with your spouse 
  • Different types of marriage separation and positive signs for each one